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S’Rugim underwritten by Mishy and Jason Balaban

"S’rugim" are the knitted kipot worn by the hip and religious. You will love the nine episodes of the smash-hit Israeli television series that depicts the lives of 30-something highly educated, and modern religious professionals in Jerusalem. It’s compared to "Sex in the City" but in this Israeli series the people are all religiously observant, and the complex intertwining of many of their lives began in the religious youth movement.  The common threads are universal in nature, namely, a search for emotional and spiritual fulfillment and, above all, for a mate.

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Film Details
Hava Divon Eliezer Shapiro
Written by:
Hava Divon Eliezer Shapiro
English and Hebrew w/subtitles
Running time:
88 min.

IMDB listing

The first four episodes are co-sponsored by the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto, and will be offered at the new Albert Schultz Cultural Arts Hall on the Taube Koret Campus for Jewish Life (Thursday, November 12).

The next five episodes (Episodes 5-9) will be screened at the Camera 12 Theater, 201 S. Second Street, San Jose, on November 15. Each episode is approximately 30 minutes.

Recognition and Awards

2009 Award Winner for Best TV series, best script and best actress Yael Sharoni.

Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival * PO BOX 2190 * Cupertino, CA 95015 * TEL: 408.899.6013 * www.svjff.org

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